South Africa

Meet Our Team

Eco and mompreneurs: let me help you turn your passion into a reality. *Wordpress *E-commerce *Abundance Mentoring *Admin

📌 Johannesburg


🥑 Delicious vegan food

🐝 Tavel tips. 🌱 Dreamy travel destinations

🐞 Kiff vegan brands

Raising awareness for farmed animals and helping people live more compassionate and ethical lives through vegan education. Elated’s founding philosophy is that consumers have the power to save the lives of animals through ethical decisions. By ‘consumers’ we mean you and me, right now, right here, in the mainstream community. This is achieved through the abolition of all animal use in our lives from the food we eat to the clothes we wear.

📌 Cape Town

Founder at Greyton Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Interested in sustainability, eating without cruelty, stepping on this Earth with a light footprint

Specialties: Fundraising; nutrition; spirituality; animal welfare; sustainability; transition towns

📌 Greyton